PT660SETThe PT660 code transponder is used in combination with the...
PT660SSETThe PT660S code transponder is used in combination with the...
PT960SSETThe PT960S code transponder is used in conjunction with 169MHz...
PT960SETThe PT960 code transponder is used in conjunction with 169MHz...
PT620SETIt is used to automatically fill a water tank from...
PT630SETIt is used for the automatic filling of a water...
PT930SETIt is used for the wireless and automatic filling of...
PT920SETIt is used for the wireless and automatic filling of...
PT680SETIt is used to automatically fill a water tank from...
PT680SSETIt is used to automatically fill a water tank from...
PT670SETΧρησιμοποιείται για το αυτόματο γέμισμα δεξαμενής νερού από αντλία που...
PT980SSETIt is used for the wireless and automatic filling of...